Working on Fire believes in the beneficial use of fire
Working on Fire (WOF) is a pioneer and global leader in Integrated Fire Management Solutions (IFMS). It has a presence across five continents, including the following countries: South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, USA, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Australia and Indonesia.
Integrated Fire Management (IFM) is a series of actions implemented through reduction, readiness, response and recovery planning and management. Activities in IFM include fire awareness, fire prevention, prescribed burning, resource sharing, fire detection and coordination, fire suppression, fire damage rehabilitation and research. Through these activities, Working on Fire aims to create a sustainable and well-balanced environment, reduce wildfire damage and promote the beneficial use of fire.
Climate change is causing a global increase in wildfires and some of these have the propensity to become large scale disasters if not managed properly. As a result, many governments and land users allocate a growing amount of resources to the suppression of wildfires, often neglecting fire prevention and mitigation strategies.
The amount of time spent on active risk reduction, directly relates to a decrease in the amount of time spent on suppression. WOF strongly advocates the use of prescribed fire to reduce fuel loads and the potential of catastrophic wildfires. They make use of both ground and aerial ignition for prescribed fires. WOF uses fire to fight fire.
Working on Fire is a subsidiary of Kishugu, a group dedicated to serving the greater good. Since its founding, Kishugu has, through innovation, team work and a strive for excellence, shown phenomenal growth. It has accumulated over 30 years of experience in a variety of landscapes affected by fire, as it continues to develop and implement IFM strategies in an ever-increasing number of countries.